Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's Not a Partridge in My Pear Tree

This morning it was dreary.  Do I sound like a broken record yet?  Well, it is the Ohio Valley....we get 300 days of  clouds the way Colorado gets 300 days of sunshine!!!  But amongst the thick gray blanket outside my office window a flash of color caught my eye.  Perched in the large pear tree just feet from the window was a Northern Cardinal, both male and female!  Any reader to this blog knows I have a love affair with cardinals...but it extends to any bright plumage bird.   So imagine my delight to spot two Eastern Bluebirds seated lower down in said pear tree!!  I sounded like Steve Irwin as I grabbed my camera and started shooting ... "GORGEOUS!!"    Being this close to these skittish birds is rare for me...usually they perch far enough away from the house to only be a delight to see the flash of bright blue as they fly by...but never close enough to bother making the move for the trusty camera.

Well, for once the rainy weather worked in my favor, as this lovely pair perched in the pear tree hunting for some breakfast in the soggy, wet earth.  Sufficed to say I squatted in front of the window shooting long enough that my legs have been sore all day!  But it was worth it!

While these are by no means ever going to make the cover of National Geographic, for me the excitement level is about equivalent, so I hope you enjoy them too.   It was nice bright touch to a day that started off so dark that I questioned whether or not the sun was up when my alarm went off! 

By Thomas Watson:

Every bird can sing in spring—but some birds will sing in the dead of winter. Everyone, almost, can be thankful in prosperity—but a true saint can be thankful in adversity.

A godly man will bless God, not only at sun-rise—but at sun-set. Well may we, in the worst which befalls us, have a psalm of thankfulness, because all things work for good.
Oh, be much in blessing of God—who befriends us—and
makes all things work out to our good.

Look at that blue on the male!!!  GORGEOUS!

I included these two shots that are not perfect close-ups...but I thought those tiny narrow strips of color burst out in the frame, not just in overcast weather, but against the more drab portions of the other feathers.  I love seeing the burst of color amongst the drear...just as sometimes the best blessings stand out when hidden amongst the hardest trials.  Three cheers for drear!

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