Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Lady Hawk

This is lady hawk.  Or at least that is what my mom has dubbed this female red-tailed hawk that lives in our front field.  She has been here for a few years, and likes to perch on our trees to watch the field for prey and intruders into her territory.  This past spring lady hawk had a new perch on the electric pole at the end of our driveway, and every day coming home from work I would see her sitting there, watching my car as it went by.  So one day I decided to try and get pictures since she seemed acclimated to my car driving past. 

She did stay still just watching me for a minute or two and then flew down to the next electric I rolled down towards her and took a few more shots.  It didn't take long for her to go further down the road into a tree, where she watched me some more, and finally I decided to stop pestering her with my photo taking. 

For some reason I never got around to sharing these photos, but I thought since I posted a bird of prey last week, why not do a follow up post.

By Thomas Brooks
Excerpt from London’s Lamentations, 1670

Oppression turns princes into roaring lions, and judges into evening wolves: it is an unnatural sin, it is a sin against the light of nature. No creatures oppress those of their own kind. Look upon the birds of prey, as upon eagles, vultures, hawks, and you shall never find them preying upon their own kind. Look upon the wild beasts of the forest, as upon the lion, the tiger, the wolf, the bear, etc., and you shall find them favorable to them of their own kind; and yet men unnaturally prey upon one another—like the fish in the sea, the great swallowing up the small.

Oppression is a sin against that great and common rule of equity, Mat. 7:12, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you." Now no man in his wits would have another to wrong and oppress; and therefore he should not wrong or oppress others; and therefore no wonder if God punishes this sin with flames of fire! It is your oppressors, O London, who has turned your glory into ashes!

Now this insolent oppressing of the poor is a sin that I cannot make good against the people of God, who did truly fear him in that great city. It is a sin they have often bewailed and lamented before the Lord in their solemn addresses to God. Where this sin is rampant, where it rules as a prince upon the throne, it is a clear evidence that the fear of the Lord is not in such men's hearts: Lev. 25:17, "You shall not oppress one another—but you shall fear your God." Those who oppress others—they do not fear God. And such as do fear God—they will not oppress others.

Being hawk eyed!