Well, if you have never taken time to appreciate the bovine before it hits your dinner plate, or taken a long loving glance at the source of the refreshing beverage that keeps Kellogg's in business...than this blog post is for you!
Around the corner from my house is a scruffy patch of pasture that mostly is not grazed by the neighbors cattle. But this week, the fuzzy beasts were turned loose to munch away the thistle, weeds, and goldenrod that have taken over the field.
I was able to stop along the narrow, dead end, country road where these guys were grazing.
They didn't seem to mind my presence too much....but occasionally they would turn and eyeball me to see what I was up to. The weeds were tall and interfered with capturing that perfect portrait, but I thought some of these were interesting none the less. They are rather beautiful creatures when we take the time to notice them. So enjoy one of my favorite domestic critters....the friendly neighborhood cow!
Wooly hide |
Fuzzy ears covered in burrs and briars |
C.H. Spurgeon:
"All your works
praise you, O God"
The stars still sing
their Maker's praise; no sin has stopped their voice, no
discord has made a jarring note among the harmonies of the
The earth itself still
praises its Maker, the exhalations, as they arise with
morn, are still a pure offering, acceptable to their
The lowing of the
cattle, the singing of the birds, the leaping of the fishes, and the
delights of animal creation, are still acceptable as votive offerings to
the Most High.
![]() |
Close up |
The mountains still
bring righteousness; on their hoary summits God's holy feet might
tread, for they are yet pure and spotless.
Still do the green
valleys, laughing with their verdure
send up their shouts
to the Most High.
Munching thistle |
The praise of God is
sung by every wind it is howled forth in dread majesty by the
voice of the tempest, the winds resound it, and the waves, with
their thousand hands, clap, keeping chorus in the great march of
The whole earth is
still a great orchestra for God's praise, and his creatures
still take up various parts in the eternal song, which, ever swelling
and ever increasing, shall by-and-by mount to its climax in the
consummation of all things.
Thomas Brooks:
Christians must be
like the clean beasts, which parted the hoof and chewed the cud; they must by
heavenly meditation chew truths, or else they will never taste the sweetness
that is in divine truths.
Mary "pondered
the sayings of the shepherds in her heart," Luke 2:19. Not those who eat
most—but those who digest most, are the most healthful. Not those who get
most—but those who keep most, are richest. So not those who hear most, or read
most—but those who meditate most, are most edified and enriched.
Those squeeshy wrinkles remind me of my hound dogs! |
John Newton:
Contemplate his
goodness in a rural situation. Light colors, and prospects, are suited to
please the eye. The singing of birds, the lowing of the cattle, the bleating of
the sheep, and in general, the inarticulate tones of all the animal tribes, are
soothing and grateful to the ear. During a great part of the year, the scent of
blossoms and flowers perfumes the air, and regales the sense of smelling.
Those are great shots! In India cows walk around peoples houses randomly. They are very sacred there. They wouldn't dare shoo them away. i don't know, if a cow was walking around my house, i think i would shoot 'em. But i love these guys!