Charles Spurgeon:
Let us begin with the
mark of beauty. There is a great beauty in a fruit tree when it is in bloom.
Perhaps there is no more lovely object in all nature than the apple blossom;
but this beauty soon fades — one shower of rain, one descent of hail, one puff
of the north wind, and very soon the blossoms fall like snow; and if they
remain their full time, speedily indeed in any case, they must withdraw from
view. Much loveliness adorns youthful piety. The love of his espousals, his
first love, his first zeal, all make the newborn believer lovely. Can anything
be more delightful than our first graces? Even God himself delights in the
beauty of the blossoming believer. “I remember you,” says he, “the love of your
espousals, when you went after me in the wilderness.”
Autumn has a more
sober aspect, but still it rivals the glory of spring. Ripe fruit has its own
peculiar beauty. As the fruit ripens, the sun tints it with surpassing
loveliness, and the colors deepen until the beauty of the fruit is equal to the
beauty of the blossom, and in some respects is superior. What a delicacy of
bloom there is upon the grape, the peach, the plum, when they have attained
perfection! Nature far excels are, and all the attempts of the modeler in wax
cannot reach the marvellous blending’s of color, the matchless tints of the
ripe fruit, worthy of Eden before the fall. It is another sort of beauty
altogether from that of the blossom, yielding to the eye of the husbandman, who
has the care of the garden, a more ravishing sight by far. The perfumed bloom
yields in value to the golden apple, even as promise is surpassed by
fulfillment. The blossom is painted by the pencil of hope; but the fruit is
dyed in the hue of enjoyment.
Here are a few shots of an evening fishing with a spring chill in the air. My shoes were soaked with dew and my skin was icy cold when I went back up to the house....but a sure sign of spring in action is seeing my sister's ducks being attracted to the bobbers in the water, and watching bass, perch. walleye, and even carp being pulled out of the water!
The coolness of the evening while fishing should have let me know how chilly it would be to walk through Poland Woods, but with so much bright green adorning all the land and scads of blossoms was easy to look out the window and be deceived that it was warmer outside.
So here is a preview of a hopefully more successful photo trip to Poland Woods in the next week or two. I just hope the hard freeze didn't kill these plants that were coaxed into coming out to play early, as I was! Enjoy the shots below from the rest of my chilly walk in the woods and remember to stay behind the lens!