Sunday, March 18, 2012

Signs of Spring

After a freakishly mild winter, we are having some freakishly early spring weather!   Ohio springs are usually more of the same as in winter.  Clouds, rain, and cold temps.  Imagine our shock to be hit with MANY warm sunny days very early this year.  It is so convincing even the plants outside have been fooled into popping a full month early.

So, I gave myself a weekend photo assignment so I could get out and take advantage of this great weather, and enjoy every little nuance of this early bird spring.  My assignment was simply looking for signs of spring!  Friday after work I took a walk and didn't get far before I saw some real tell tale signs.  One of our maples was full of red buds...others on the horizon I noticed were taking a reddish cast as well.   This was the beginning shot of a very productive photo productive in fact I had to chop my "final photos to share" list in HALF!  (Had to make my post length reasonable, right?)

Mom spotted a bee on the tree!!!  Excellent sign spring has sprung!

Dad's willow trees are sprouting!

So please enjoy these shots I took, and be sure to head outside as soon as spring can be seen in your neck of the woods!  It's the perfect time of year to get behind the lens!

Please also enjoy a couple spring hymns and a short thought by Charles Spurgeon. Because what could be more enjoyable than to reflect on our loving Creator when we are appreciating His works!

By C.H. Spurgeon:  From Treasury of David, Psalm 135

At the same time it is undeniably right that thy praise should never cease; and were men to be silent, the very stones would cry out. We must begin eternal life here below, not only in our conscience, but also with our praise. Our soul ought to be like a flower, not merely receiving the gentle influence of heaven, but, in its turn, and as if in gratitude, exhaling also a sweet and pleasant perfume. It should be our desire, as it once was that of a pious man, that our hearts should melt and dissolve like incense in the fire of love, and yield the sweet fragrance of praise.


By Thomas Gill:

Divine Redeemer, Thee I bless;
I greet Thy going forth;
I love Thee in the loveliness
Of Thy renewèd earth.

But O these wonders of Thy grace,
These nobler works of Thine,
These marvels sweeter far to trace,
These new births more divine:

This new-born glow of faith so strong,
This bloom of love so fair,
This new-born ecstasy of song,
And fragrancy of prayer!

Creator Spirit, work in me
These wonders sweet of Thine;
Divine Redeemer, graciously
                     Renew this heart of mine.

                    Still let new life and strength upspring,
                    Still let new joy be given;
                    And grant the glad new song to ring
                    Through the new earth and Heaven.




By John Newton:

Kindly spring again is here,
Trees and fields in bloom appear;
Hark! the birds with artless lays
Warble their creator’s praise.

Where in winter all was snow,
Now the flowers in clusters grow;
And the corn, in green array,
Promises a harvest-day.

Lord, afford a spring to me,
Let me feel like what I see;
Speak, and by Thy gracious voice,
Make my drooping soul rejoice.

On Thy garden deign to smile,
Raise the plants, enrich the soil;
Soon Thy presence will restore
Life to what seemed dead before.

Of course, seeing our kitty outside hunting for cuddles is a sure sign of spring!!  In the cold of winter she usually stays inside her fancy heated cat box (yeah, she's THAT spoiled!)  But when the weather turns for the better she starts sucking around for extra pets and cuddles she missed during the snowy season.  We call it "Filling up her tank".

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