Last weekend Mill Creek Metro Park Farm held their annual Baby Shower for all their newborn barnyard animals. It is always a great hands on learning experience for the kids in my family....and now I am addicted to going with my
I thought I would share some of these cute little critters today, but also a special reading that I have been saving for a looooong time.
For all the pictures and excerpts I have posted on this blog, there is one thing that really cannot be conveyed in the photos. I thought since this is Easter weekend, this would be the perfect time to pair this reading with some random photos of God's Creation, and remind us all of one thing that is needful.
From Octavius Winslow (1808-1878)
“Morning Thoughts”
"God is love" was the great truth Jesus came to make known.
Hence God's love is clearly a revelation to man, rather than a discovery by
man. Divine love was the last perfection of Deity to baffle the research of
human wisdom. Other attributes might be dimly traced in creation. Some faint
glimmerings of God's wisdom, power, and goodness might be seen in the
"things which are made;" but how God could love sinners, could redeem
and save sinners, was a question to which nature's oracle returned no response.
In the exercise of the vast powers with which his Creator has endowed him, man
may discover everything, but this. He sweeps the firmament above him with his
telescope, and a new constellation of surpassing glory arises before his view.
He delves into the earth beneath him, and an ancient and long-lost city is
untombed. He works a problem, and science develops some new and startling
wonder. But there is one discovery he cannot make–one wonder surpassing all
wonders, the most marvelous and stupendous, he cannot unravel. Nature, aiding
him in all other researches, affords him no clue to this.
Early blooming tulip! Look at that color! |
The sunbeam paints it
not upon the brilliant cloud; the glacier reflects it not from its dazzling brow;
the valley's stream murmurs it not in its gentle music; it thunders not in the
roar of ocean's billow; it sighs not in the evening's zephyr; it exhales not
the opening flower; all nature is
profoundly silent upon a theme so divine and strange, so vast and tender, as
God's redeeming love to man.
So enjoy scrolling through the rest of these pics, but remember that for all the photos posted and all the wonder we see when we look at nature....the most amazing piece of information is still concealed only in God's Word. Only when we pick up and read our Bibles will we discover God's love toward man, His payment to redeem His elect people, and the true glory of God.
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