This year I hit the rookery "jackpot"! I happened to visit the rookery in the late afternoon when tons of birds were feeding in this marsh pond, and there were tons of herons flying around making noise, and other smaller birds too. Here are a couple more shots from the rookery.....I could have shot until sundown, but after a solid 20 minutes I shot almost a hundred frames.....after a while I think it would be overkill. Today's C.H. Spurgeon devotion seemed to be a nice thought for these shots. Enjoy and stay behind the lens!
By C.H. Spurgeon: August 2nd Devotion from
‘Morning and Evening’
"Who works all things after the counsel of His own will." Ephesians 1:11
Our belief in God's wisdom, supposes and necessitates that He has a settled purpose and plan in the work of salvation. What would creation have been—without His design? Is there a fish in the sea, or a fowl in the air, which was left to chance for its formation? Nay, in every bone, joint, and muscle, sinew, gland, and blood-vessel—you mark the presence of a God working everything according to the design of infinite wisdom. And shall God be present in creation, ruling over all, and not in grace? Shall the new creation have fickle free will to preside over it—when divine counsel rules the old creation?
At the last, it shall be clearly seen that in every chosen vessel of mercy, Jehovah did as He willed with His own; and that in every part of the work of grace—He accomplished His purpose, and glorified His own name!
How many birds do YOU see?!
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