This past Saturday I headed out without a particular destination in mind. The perfect clear day in the forecast was ultimately foiled by the outer most edge clouds of Hurricane Irene, which was several hundred miles away! So with the light cloud cover I headed to the Mill Creek Wetlands.
Seemingly not all that grand, it did end up offering a nice warm walk with a few interesting finds. I can see the spot will be a haven for birds come fall, with tons of large brush with berries and cover, and plenty of thistle. So I think a return trip in the fall may be in order. Until then enjoy the hodge podge of shots taken this time around. Just remember to look closely as you walk around even the most mundane looking never know what you might see!
By C.H. Spurgeon:
Wise men can readily
find a thousand subjects
for contemplation
abroad in the open country.
When a man walks in
the fields, having the Lord in his heart, and his
whole mental faculties directed towards heavenly
things, all things aid him in his pleasing occupation.
If we look above to
sun, moon, and stars, all these remind us of the
grandeur of God, and make us ask ourselves, "What
is man, that the Lord should be mindful of him, or the
son of man, that Jehovah should visit
If we look below, the
green meadows, or golden
cornfields, all
proclaim divine care and bounty.
There is not a bird
that sings, nor a grasshopper
that chirps in the
grass, which does not urge us
to praise and magnify
the name of the Most High.
While the plants, from
the hyssop on the wall to
the cedar which
spreads its boughs so gloriously
on Lebanon, exhibit to
observant eyes the wisdom
of the great Creator
of all things.
The murmuring brook
talks to the listening ear in
hallowed whispers of
him whose cloudy throne
supplies its stream.
And the air, as it sighs amid the trees, tells in
mysterious accents of the great unseen, but overactive Spirit
of the living God.
That grasshopper shot is awesome!