The summer after I graduated high school was my first real period of spending time behind the lens, and delving into nature photography. Six days after I received my diploma I moved to central Minnesota which offered many incredible experiences for a burgeoning photographer. Our first home was a rental on the outskirts of a neighborhood, a couple blocks from several large lakes and several parks. Not to be all Wizard of Oz, but many of the best things to photograph are never further away than your own backyard. As was the case with monarch butterflies outside our backdoor. At first I saw one, then two, and then realized there were a dozen or more all in one tree! (Insects in Minnesota have the Sam's Club factor. They only come in bulk quantities! Yikes!) But I remember shooting frame after frame trying to get closer, more detail, better lighting....and over ten years later photographing butterflies as September is around the corner is still a favorite backyard joy.
Trust me, you can spend hours chasing these guys around a field trying for the perfect shot. This year I was given a last minute heads up that our field was being mowed and if I wanted some shots I better head outside. So to the hum of the Kubota I fluttered up and down the field for an hour shooting over a hundred frames. It was tough to narrow down, but here is a sample of what I ended up with.
Eastern Tiger SwallowTail |
As you can see the preferred flower in our field is clover. I tried to correctly ID each butterfly but it was a little tricky as several are similar.
Not only do butterflies offer incredible evidence of God's creation, which contradicts evolutionary science (please check out the awesome video below) but they also are an incredible illustration of other Biblical truths. Enjoy the three excerpts from Puritan authors as they tell you what they see when they look at a butterfly!
Monarch |
By J.R. Miller:
“One day a friend sent me a splendid butterfly, artistically mounted,
known as the Lima Moth. This little creature is said to be the most beautiful
of North American insects. Its color is light green with variegated spots. In
its caterpillar state, it was only a worm. It died and entered its other or
higher state, as we would say—and then
the worm became a splendid butterfly.”
This illustrates the two stages of a Christian's life. Here we are in our
earthly state. After this will come the heavenly condition. "The things
that are above" belong to this higher, spiritual life. But the Christian
is exhorted to seek these higher things—while living in this lower world. We
belong to heaven, although we are not yet living in heaven.
By J.C. Ryle:
And what is it they need in order to make them fit to enjoy heaven? They
need to be Regenerated or born again. It is not a little changing and outward
amendment they require.
Black Swallowtail |
It is not merely the putting a restraint on raging
passions, and the quieting of unruly affections. All this is not enough. Old
age—the lack of opportunity for indulgence—the fear of man, may produce all
this. The tiger is still a tiger, even when he is chained; and the serpent is
still a serpent, even when he lies motionless and coiled up. The alteration
needed is far greater and deeper. They must have a new nature put within them.
They must be made new creatures. The fountain-head must be purified. The root
must be set right. Each one needs a new heart and a new will. The change
required is not that of the snake, when he casts his skin and yet remains a
reptile still. It is the change of the
caterpillar, when he dies and his crawling life ceases—but from his body rises
the butterfly—a new animal, with a new nature. All this, and nothing less, is
By C.H. Spurgeon:
Dark Female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail |
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